Thursday, May 9, 2013

Research paper additions

Data and Analysis

            The Big issue about this article is about The “F” word (Feminist), Minority among

groups are making Feminists look bad. A few comments toward Michelle Obama were like

about Forcing overload, being anti-male, educating her daughters as well as America’s girls, and

more. As I read through more of the article it seems as if the viewers are saying that Hillary

Clinton has been able to take on more political duties than Mrs. O, but others are saying that

it’s because her children were older than Mrs. O (Michelle Obama) daughters. Mrs. O decided

to dedicate more of her motherly duties more so over political duties, and a lot of people were

viewing her as a feminist. . Some statements quoted in the text reads, “many feminist have

forgotten that motherhood still works,” and “Blame feminism for the actions of black men in

Hip Ho, prison, and destruction of black community.”

G is known to understand how it is to be misunderstood by others, how these viewers

are placing Mrs. O at the bottom of leadership. Some readers are upset about the fact that being a full-time mother is considered to be “un-feminist.” As long as the political job gets done and women have equal rights then there should be no issue. A quote from one of the readers, Journey2Freedom( which also had the most ‘likes’ from her response) said,” I consider myself a feminist - I consider myself a feminist but have found it difficult to be a part of the white female dominated movement which fails to realize that BLACK WOMEN HAVE ALWAYS WORKED OUTSIDE OF THE HOME! In fact, at one point in time, usually in THEIR HOMES because up until very recently it wasn't even an option for most of us.”

            The community of black and white, male vs. female is forming a discourse community of hate or anti-hate against leaders, while the media having a strong influence to these actions. The media has a way of changing the minds of what people see through pictures, blogs, and social networks, another quote from a reader says, “It’s funny how women try to put other women against each other and men don’t do that.” (Balling and tired of the BS)

            A reader from the comment post mentioned that Essence Magazine (media/ Blogs) plays a part in this act against Mrs. O (Michelle Obama) because, in most photos and articles they published or posted viewed Mrs. O as our fashion leader, parenting leader, hairstyle leader, etc. instead of strictly viewing her political works. Michelle Obama (Black African American) and Hillary Clinton (White) both are great leaders that have accomplished a lot of feminist duties and should not be compared or judged against each other feminist roles.

The comments of the articles speaks about the reaction of the topic about Michelle


Obama being our feminist leader. Throughput the 24 comments there is a mixture of male


and females responses, when Essence magazine is known to have an Audience of only


women, and ,mostly African American women. The topic was so broad and hit a lot of


people whether male or female that it even brought up in discussion of racial comments


and comparison with our former first lady Hillary Clinton. I will analysis these comments


into sections of positive responses and negative responses and point out how many ‘likes’


they receive by their comments. This way I can shoe to my readers how much the people


view this article, how it affected there set mind frame, how the people feel about Michelle


Obama, and other racial thoughts and comments about the comparison with Hillary




            The sections highlighted in yellow have the most ‘positive’ outlook in


commenting about this article, and the section highlighted in red is the sign of warning


giving off negative comments about the article. The chart below will show how many


likes or dislikes did each section receive and then we can come a conclusion of how the


media affects the minds of viewers.



                                    Positive           Negative          Likes   No Likes         female/male

Working man              *                                              2                                  M

DanI L. Rebel                         *                                              5                                  F

Links 31                      ?                      ?                      0                                  F

Asiainakron                 *                                              1                                  F

Journey2Freedom     *                                              11                                F

Balling & tired of BS  *                                              7                                  F

AriannaS                     ?                      *                      9                                  F

Del                                                      *                      4                                  F

AriannaS reply of Del ?                      ?                      7                                  F

Sydnie                         *                                              10                                F


The chart shows the few comments of the 24 from the reader’s response about the article


viewer Michelle Obama to be our feminist leader. It only published 1 comment from a


man and to be the first the response at that, and he seemed to view this article in a


positive way, that’s ideal coming from a man because they usually don’t get in the middle


of female discussions. The bold mark of the reader named Journey2freedom has gain the


most likes  throughout the published articles, I really feel like she made a good point


about the article and feminist and I myself would have ‘liked’ her comment too. There


was a brief back and forth response between AriannaS and Del, not so much about


political views but about how the people once viewed Michelle to be, which is all about


fashion and hair.


blog 29 Research Paper pt1

Sharrelle Thomas

Dr. Chandler

Eng 3029

Research Paper


How the media/ social media affect the minds of viewers                                          


            My focus is to point out the positive and negative views that that the media through blog


post can or have affected the people’s opinions. How might this work? By simply analysis


the comments of the readers and have them separate by most positive and most negative


and maybe some in between that seems to be neutral or not agreeing to anything. I reality


discourse community are formed through ethnographic procedures instead of sticking to


one’s own thoughts and opinions. Swales quoted “we need then to clarify, for procedural


purposes, what is to be understood by discourse community and, perhaps in the present


circumstances, it is better to offer a set of criteria sufficiently narrow that it will eliminate


many of the marginal, blurred and controversial contenders.”


As a child I always loved to look through magazines that was preferred for my age and

interest, and loved to look at the pictures that relates to the topic in the magazine. As I gotten

older, I then started to find an interest in actually reading the articles along with the captions

under a picture or across the page. I come to learn that some magazines already have their

prediction of their viewers/ readers by the cover of the magazine and most of the captions

giving before opening it up. So my thought is what are way/ how can groups be formed into its

own discourse community. I will be observing a couple of magazine to look at some articles and

interviews and response to come to a conclusion about groups are formed.

            In my mind I didn’t think to realize that groups are being formed often and in different

ways. The social media/ and blogs has a huge effect on that and also building positive diverse

groups that wasn’t formed before or thought to be formed. Most people don’t realize how the

media has that effect on them. The connection through mass media and social media is so

Grande that it’s so tempting to be a part of in some way or another.

            As my part in finding this conclusion I will first choose magazines that I am interested in

or already a subscriber to and I will also choose other magazines that will fit the category to

connect with my peers. A magazine best fit in the age group of young adults, students in college

or any kind of educational institution that I can read, observe, relate, compare, and connect to

forming a discourse community. I will also look for interviews of writers to readers and look

some of the ‘Likes” and responses to see how many people agree to disagree or vice versa. The

sex and race is another important factor that has a lot to do with groups or communities that I

plan to enclose on too.

Literature review

            Some studies show that the media is a wide segment of a community and offers to

individuals, especially young people to have access to valuable information and resources. The

media is to both entertain and educate people of all ethnic background and of all ages, sex, etc.,

in order to gain more viewers and keep up with group and communities. This is to also allow

students or people to reach out and speak out about topics that are not spoken about within

the space it’s in. This outcome can shift social norms and become positive in some way or

another. But, it can also be offensive and to direct toward some people and cause negative


            Articles forming topics about games and technology, or a shared interest like interior

designs, movies, etc, can be a way to bring together a diverse community along with music, art

and cultural activities. What makes this relevant is that the topics of discussion with magazine

articles or through blogs responses can produce positive change in attitudes and behaviors. As a

media lover, reader, and writer you want to be able to target some social issues that is

currently going on, topics such as Korea, taxes, education, Africa, or your own neighborhood

that  maybe only a few residents know about and possibly be able to reach out to others. This

forms groups of the same interest, dealing with the same issues, and coming together as a

discourse community through the effect of the media.

             Networking comes into place as a let’s come together up close and personal kind of

way, the ability not only to share topics and listen and learn through experiences from other

peers. But to also meet them, notice and observe their presence. Speak about men’s and

women’s own experience and concerns. A quote from an article in Cosmo Magazines says,

“Ever look at groups of people and wonder how they’re connected? Or what the heck they’re

talking about?”

            The magazine I’ll be using is “Essence Magazine” which is slightly different from Cosmo

and has a different age range from 18- 50’s, 60’s, and possibly 70’s years of age. Their viewers

have a large race of African American cultures and the focused on females issues. Essence

Magazine community is based on a lot of political topics, and I think that one way it sets off an

attraction for older viewers is because of the topics being mentioned throughout the magazine.

Essence Magazine empowered quote about being a community reads, “We are each other’s

magnitude and bond.”(Gwendolyn Brooks)  This magazine connects with a broad range of

females to bring fourth their opinions and thoughts about certain topics.



I will go about observing blogs and comments from social groups in media, mass media

and through technology to choose a few articles and searched for the most interesting articles

that I noticed that had a lot of comments from or responses by readers. An article from essence

speaks about political issues concerning Michelle Obama and her representing females. This

article is a political base which raises a big attraction for not only females but also males, and it

shows that the readers are also male and females.

The patterns of communication is all through a positive aspect from the points of view


from the reading the article and responding. The communication seemed to be really true
o heart, nothing to outraged and more of a historical point of what you need to know
then and how is relates to the now effects.

Blog 28 Class assignment analysis your own paper

Essay 100

Focus: My focus is how the media affect the thoughts of readers reponses through comments from reading an article. How one article can make another person's view change by making comments and post about strong topics like The big 'F' word about Michelle Obama. 20

Audience: The way the artilce reached out to most of its readeres is the way I feel I will attact to my audience. By reading my thoughts about it and opinions and relate it the chart I made from the comments. 10

Organization: MY papaer is presented in a organized format of intro, lit review, my method and how I went about devleoping my paper, to all my data that I put in and analysised, to my final thoughts and opinions as if I was one of the readers to post comments. This way my readers can see the whole layout of my research question and the data to back it up. 40

Development: My development of my research has been interesting to research about the media, the media is my career interest so I chose this topic not only for me but for the sake of others. I felt that everyone is intited to their own opinion, but sometimes through the source of the media. 10

Correctness:I really took in on all the feedback from my classmates and teacher during my presentation. I really needed to change the topic I already had to the one that best fits my research question and go along with my data. 10

Total: 90
Data and analysis 300

Focus: My data will show the article and the responses of readers from the article of their refelction about the big 'F' topic. My focus is to analysis the responses whether negative or positive or nuteral.To also view how many likes and dislikes each reader had from other readers.  80


Organization: Through all my blog post about what I planned to do and the data I collected. I really put together a format of most grups are formed to how discoure fits in place. I had to analysis every published response post from the article and reflect on there personal opinion. 100

Development: The development process was at first at first a little difficult but evenutally with all the practice in class, group discussions, and presentation and feedback. I came to a conclusion of a clear development of what I need to show in my data, that will relate to my research question. 100

Correctness: I really just needed to add additional data to fulfill my research and layout a chart that shows what the efdects came out be. 10
Total: 290

Writing Process 100
Focus: The purpose of the writing is to learn how do research to analysis and develop a topic or a question that will be better explain through data. 35

Organization/develpment: The whole paper is based of the research you did and I think I picked a great political topic, from a well-known popular magzine to do my analysis on.  50

Correctness: I know now that the more data you collect, the better because you never know what you may find in addition that relates to your research.3
Total: 88

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog 26

My reflection from my presentation has helped me to point out exactly what I'm looking for if I haven't seen it for myself. I was looking for a way for my paper to speak about what my research is about and discuss and analysis it according to my research topic. The feedback I received about highlighting the comments of the readers by sections to view which have a positive/ or negative response. I will also change my title to what best fits my research topic and discussion.

Blog 25

My revisions of what I plan to do to change or add to my blog, is I plan to publish and discuss more about the comments from the readers and their responses from reading the article. I will point out and put in highlighted sections post of positive responses and negative responses. I will also put my thoughts of what I analysis of how the responses may have effected some of the other readers responses. The comments from the students during the presentation has helped me a lot.

Blog 24 Data extention (The comments from the readers)

Showing 10 of 24 comments0 new comment was just posted. Show


·         Description:

TheBurningBush, Working Man 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

Michelle Obama is a beautiful, smart and intelligent women who is comfortable in her skin and embrace womanhood. The modern day feminist was started in the 1960s by white lesbians who by their very nature had a problem with healthy male female relationship and traditional family structure that being said they will never be happy unless Mrs. Obama rebel against, cheapen and devalue motherhood and her role as wife to a male anything short of that they will never be satisfied with her!

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*   F Dani L. Rebel 3 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

Feminist, here. Being a feminist doesn't mean you have to align your views with those who believe women should "have it all" I think that is wrong to force a woman into overloading herself. To be a feminist is support the rights and liberties of all women, period. When a small majority tries to impose their views on all other people (being anti-male, scoffing at a mother's work, not acknowledging race and class differences) in my opinion they are becoming the oppressor.
I think Mrs. Obama is doing a wonderful job of educating her young girls as well as America's girls (and boys) on how to take care of themselves. Plus, Hillary's daughter was older than Sasha and Malia at the time of Clinton's presidency. Hillary was free to take on more political duties, while Michelle most likely feels the need to be there for her children. I applaud Michelle's "it takes a village" philosophy and ability to reach the average Black family to set an example. Many people, feminists included, have forgotten that motherhood is still WORK, and should encourage any woman who makes that choice on her own and does her best job at it.

(Edited by author 2 months ago)

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Links31 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

Question, have feminism benefited the black community and the black family structure? Are we doing twice as better than we did in the 1960s? smdh

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Asiainakron 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

In the 1800s, white feminist put their cause on the back burner for abolition. People seem to think black women were never oppressed by black men. Very untrue, black women have ALWAYS had higher rates of domestic abuse by their partners, seen to be the beast of burden, and let's not forget the U.S. government's own experiment when thousands of black women were sterilized because they were seen as unfit to parent. So if you think you're going to try and blame feminism for the outright misogyny displayed by many black men and hip hop culture, the amount of black men in prisons, and the overall destruction of the black community, think again and do your research.

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Journey2Freedom 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

I really, really get tired of the "vocal minority" among feminist acting as though being a full time mother is somehow "un-feminist". I believe that feminism is about giving the women the freedom to choose how to live their lives without reprisal and ensuring that when we make our choices we are treated as equals. Isn't choosing to mother children full time a valid choice? This type of thinking reflects why, at the heart of it,. Mothering OUR OWN CHILDREN in our OWN HOMES is one of the most radical moves a black woman can make - I consider myself a feminist but have found it difficult to be a part of the white female dominated movement which fails to realize that BLACK WOMEN HAVE ALWAYS WORKED OUTSIDE OF THE HOME! In fact, at one point in time, usually in THEIR HOMES because up until very recently it wasn't even an option for most of us.

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Balling and tired of the BS 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

I remember a famous quote from the classic show Good Times where sister said that white women are trying to free themselves from a typewriter while sisters where triyng to free themselves from a mop and broom cleaning their homes. Feminists was for white woman whereas we black women are black first and female later. Michelle is the most educated FIrst Lady in the White House which could be a cause for a celebration for all women but it seems to be a problem for some folks. Michelle doesn't even care. It's funny how women try to pit other women against each other and men don't do that.

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AriannaS 3 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

Essence. how about stop reporting on every belt, cardigan, flats, hairdo, that Michelle Obama wears. We get that you've had an obsessive love affair since the campaign. But not every J Crew cardigan with a belt or new doobie requires an article.

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Del 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

Did you even read the article? There is absolutely no reference to her wardrobe. Chill

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AriannaS 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

Apparently, you missed my point. Essence has made Michelle Obama our "Black Everything"..and now they're saying stop making her our feminist leader. They've made her our fashion leader, parenting leader, hairstyle leader, etc..

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Sydnie 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand

I'm troubled by your choice to distance yourself from feminism altogether because of a few outspoken opinions in the name of feminism -- though I will agree that these opinions, as you have pointed out, are really anti-feminist. To choose to withdraw yourself from the feminist movement entirely, is to allow those few outspoken to speak for all who believe in ending patriarchy, and allowing women their fair place in the world.

After reading enough bell hooks, Alice Walker and Patricia Hill Collins in college, I used to identify as a womanist - looking to identify separately from the [white] feminist movement, trying to more wholly identify with the intersections of race and class with gender that affected my experience. In recent years, however I have dropped the separatism of the womanist title, and embraced the F-word because I realized that the more women of differing opinions and experiences that identify as feminist, the more true and real the movement is.

I agree, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton should NOT be pitted against each other. They are each a feminist shero because they choose to live their lives as they see fit - as is best for them, and their families. And the beauty of a feminist world, is that those realities can look totally different, and still be perfectly acceptable.

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