Thursday, May 9, 2013

blog 29 Research Paper pt1

Sharrelle Thomas

Dr. Chandler

Eng 3029

Research Paper


How the media/ social media affect the minds of viewers                                          


            My focus is to point out the positive and negative views that that the media through blog


post can or have affected the people’s opinions. How might this work? By simply analysis


the comments of the readers and have them separate by most positive and most negative


and maybe some in between that seems to be neutral or not agreeing to anything. I reality


discourse community are formed through ethnographic procedures instead of sticking to


one’s own thoughts and opinions. Swales quoted “we need then to clarify, for procedural


purposes, what is to be understood by discourse community and, perhaps in the present


circumstances, it is better to offer a set of criteria sufficiently narrow that it will eliminate


many of the marginal, blurred and controversial contenders.”


As a child I always loved to look through magazines that was preferred for my age and

interest, and loved to look at the pictures that relates to the topic in the magazine. As I gotten

older, I then started to find an interest in actually reading the articles along with the captions

under a picture or across the page. I come to learn that some magazines already have their

prediction of their viewers/ readers by the cover of the magazine and most of the captions

giving before opening it up. So my thought is what are way/ how can groups be formed into its

own discourse community. I will be observing a couple of magazine to look at some articles and

interviews and response to come to a conclusion about groups are formed.

            In my mind I didn’t think to realize that groups are being formed often and in different

ways. The social media/ and blogs has a huge effect on that and also building positive diverse

groups that wasn’t formed before or thought to be formed. Most people don’t realize how the

media has that effect on them. The connection through mass media and social media is so

Grande that it’s so tempting to be a part of in some way or another.

            As my part in finding this conclusion I will first choose magazines that I am interested in

or already a subscriber to and I will also choose other magazines that will fit the category to

connect with my peers. A magazine best fit in the age group of young adults, students in college

or any kind of educational institution that I can read, observe, relate, compare, and connect to

forming a discourse community. I will also look for interviews of writers to readers and look

some of the ‘Likes” and responses to see how many people agree to disagree or vice versa. The

sex and race is another important factor that has a lot to do with groups or communities that I

plan to enclose on too.

Literature review

            Some studies show that the media is a wide segment of a community and offers to

individuals, especially young people to have access to valuable information and resources. The

media is to both entertain and educate people of all ethnic background and of all ages, sex, etc.,

in order to gain more viewers and keep up with group and communities. This is to also allow

students or people to reach out and speak out about topics that are not spoken about within

the space it’s in. This outcome can shift social norms and become positive in some way or

another. But, it can also be offensive and to direct toward some people and cause negative


            Articles forming topics about games and technology, or a shared interest like interior

designs, movies, etc, can be a way to bring together a diverse community along with music, art

and cultural activities. What makes this relevant is that the topics of discussion with magazine

articles or through blogs responses can produce positive change in attitudes and behaviors. As a

media lover, reader, and writer you want to be able to target some social issues that is

currently going on, topics such as Korea, taxes, education, Africa, or your own neighborhood

that  maybe only a few residents know about and possibly be able to reach out to others. This

forms groups of the same interest, dealing with the same issues, and coming together as a

discourse community through the effect of the media.

             Networking comes into place as a let’s come together up close and personal kind of

way, the ability not only to share topics and listen and learn through experiences from other

peers. But to also meet them, notice and observe their presence. Speak about men’s and

women’s own experience and concerns. A quote from an article in Cosmo Magazines says,

“Ever look at groups of people and wonder how they’re connected? Or what the heck they’re

talking about?”

            The magazine I’ll be using is “Essence Magazine” which is slightly different from Cosmo

and has a different age range from 18- 50’s, 60’s, and possibly 70’s years of age. Their viewers

have a large race of African American cultures and the focused on females issues. Essence

Magazine community is based on a lot of political topics, and I think that one way it sets off an

attraction for older viewers is because of the topics being mentioned throughout the magazine.

Essence Magazine empowered quote about being a community reads, “We are each other’s

magnitude and bond.”(Gwendolyn Brooks)  This magazine connects with a broad range of

females to bring fourth their opinions and thoughts about certain topics.



I will go about observing blogs and comments from social groups in media, mass media

and through technology to choose a few articles and searched for the most interesting articles

that I noticed that had a lot of comments from or responses by readers. An article from essence

speaks about political issues concerning Michelle Obama and her representing females. This

article is a political base which raises a big attraction for not only females but also males, and it

shows that the readers are also male and females.

The patterns of communication is all through a positive aspect from the points of view


from the reading the article and responding. The communication seemed to be really true
o heart, nothing to outraged and more of a historical point of what you need to know
then and how is relates to the now effects.

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