Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blog 28 Class assignment analysis your own paper

Essay 100

Focus: My focus is how the media affect the thoughts of readers reponses through comments from reading an article. How one article can make another person's view change by making comments and post about strong topics like The big 'F' word about Michelle Obama. 20

Audience: The way the artilce reached out to most of its readeres is the way I feel I will attact to my audience. By reading my thoughts about it and opinions and relate it the chart I made from the comments. 10

Organization: MY papaer is presented in a organized format of intro, lit review, my method and how I went about devleoping my paper, to all my data that I put in and analysised, to my final thoughts and opinions as if I was one of the readers to post comments. This way my readers can see the whole layout of my research question and the data to back it up. 40

Development: My development of my research has been interesting to research about the media, the media is my career interest so I chose this topic not only for me but for the sake of others. I felt that everyone is intited to their own opinion, but sometimes through the source of the media. 10

Correctness:I really took in on all the feedback from my classmates and teacher during my presentation. I really needed to change the topic I already had to the one that best fits my research question and go along with my data. 10

Total: 90
Data and analysis 300

Focus: My data will show the article and the responses of readers from the article of their refelction about the big 'F' topic. My focus is to analysis the responses whether negative or positive or nuteral.To also view how many likes and dislikes each reader had from other readers.  80


Organization: Through all my blog post about what I planned to do and the data I collected. I really put together a format of most grups are formed to how discoure fits in place. I had to analysis every published response post from the article and reflect on there personal opinion. 100

Development: The development process was at first at first a little difficult but evenutally with all the practice in class, group discussions, and presentation and feedback. I came to a conclusion of a clear development of what I need to show in my data, that will relate to my research question. 100

Correctness: I really just needed to add additional data to fulfill my research and layout a chart that shows what the efdects came out be. 10
Total: 290

Writing Process 100
Focus: The purpose of the writing is to learn how do research to analysis and develop a topic or a question that will be better explain through data. 35

Organization/develpment: The whole paper is based of the research you did and I think I picked a great political topic, from a well-known popular magzine to do my analysis on.  50

Correctness: I know now that the more data you collect, the better because you never know what you may find in addition that relates to your research.3
Total: 88

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