Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blog 14

Some of the writings...
Short Analysis Draft



            A discourse community can become the kind of structure as a group organization
or a political party. What they all have in common is each individual is free to give their
own opinions about something as well as appeal some disagreeable statements. The
media, social networks, and technology has a lot to do with sharing opinions and
communicating with other communities. Through observations how can a discourse
community be formed through the media or through ethnographic notes of observations.
Can the notes have an effect on different languages or body language, or through

The students blogs are all different in their own way, through their responses. For
example, some blogs mentioned some events from their personal experience that relates
to some of the class discussions and how they agreed to it. The story about the young girl
chatting online with a guy that she eventually found out that it was someone she already
knew. I could relate to my childhood and chatting online with different people also. This
became a unity between most of the females in the class mentioning that they remember
incidents of them being involved in chat rooms or social network sites. Other differences
of the blogs is some are really descriptive and give a little more detail I what their
response is, and some are short and simple but well briefly explained.

 The similarities of the blogs were that they all mostly had positive responses to
most of their discussions. I noticed that there are more females than males but it didn’t
effect the opinions that each gender group had. Some of the males equally agreed with the
same responses as the females. With that I learned that with having a discourse
community it doesn’t have to be of the same gender. There is no judgment or debate
comparing female responses to male responses, it’s all one opinion. I also observe
that in the beginning of a new class topic or class discussion. Most of the time the
students have a hard time understanding most of the readings until they have a full
discussion in class. Then as they begin to be more involved and understand more their
reactions change. So when they have to write their blog responses about what was
discussed they have more to say and their responses changes from the beginning to the

 The different languages I observed between the blogs was mostly usage of “my
opinion is, or I can agree with, and so on. Most of the languages were about agreeing to a
discussion  or stating their opinions or reasons to backup their blogs. Also, as I mention I
noticed the languages changed between the class from the beginning of a class discussion
about a reading and not fully understanding it, to later on after a full class discussion of
understanding. The blogs tend to become more detailed, the students explained their
responses more better.

            The languages between the students communicating is really positive, as each of
he students may share the same opinions, and agreeing on the same thoughts in their
group assignments. Their form of communicating is a form of a discourse community
with a start of less people to a larger group. The language can be an attraction of other
students wanting to be  involved or state their own opinions also.

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